Artspace, Hartford, CT
The exhibition, curated by John O’Donnell, centered on concepts of Empire. Representation of contemporary challenges reveals a cycle of imperial influence.
Exhibition Catalogue Printed by Neon Temple Press
link to a pdf of the catalog

Piranesi to Motherwell: Prints on the Path to Modernism
Benton Museum of Art, Storrs, CT
Prints on the Path to Modernism, curated by John O'Donnell, explores the transformation of artistic vision through selected works from the Benton Museum’s collection, tracing modernism’s evolution from the meticulous etchings of Giovanni Battista Piranesi to the bold, gestural forms of Robert Motherwell.
link to a pdf of the catalog

Ruin in Process
Published by Buildface Press
This publication documents John O’Donnell’s research travels and documentation of his studio practice as it relates to representations of ancient Roman architecture.
link to pdf of publication

1000 Words with John O’Donnell
Published by Benton Museum
Conversation with Curator Amanda A. Douberly
This publication documents an informal conversation concerning John O’Donnell’s studio practice and habits as an antique print collector.
link to pdf of publication

Circular Connections: Architecture & Rome
Benton Museum of Art, Storrs, CT
The exhibition focused on printmaking as a mode of sharing architectural ideas and highlighting representations of temples, paganism, and cyclical conventions of Western culture.
link to pdf of images

Hollow Earth
Published by Buildface Press
This book is designed by Hunter French and is an archive of John O’Donnell’s research and studio practice concerning representations of the mythology and science surrounding theories of a hollow earth.
link to pdf of publication